Sunday, November 1, 2009


I am your shadow. The dark thick ugly shadow.

In the light of glee, when you are engulfed in all flashes and light, you won't see the invisible me. But I will exist - exist in nether land, not being noticed, but gratified with your smile.

In your darkest hours, when no one will see you and when you don't see me, I will grow ever so big to dissolve you and your grief in me.

When that narrow burning light tries to torture you, I stare at him, I scare him away - from behind your shoulders, untill he fades away and you are at no harm. But when you turn back, I will be gone..

Never noticed, never complaining, never demanding,
I am your shadow -
I am beside you,
I am part of you,
I am You..

1 comment:

ശ്രീജ എന്‍ എസ് said...

Never noticed, never complaining, never demanding,
I am your shadow -
I am beside you,
I am part of you,
I am You..

Those who have loved deeply are also deeply hurt.Two sides of the same coin..Still people fall in love...
Good and penetrating lines...
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