Friday, February 13, 2009


Furious the battle, it dragged on
for ages, when mankind was born
Warriors unwilling to die
There were women
There were men
Some fought though they were weak
Some fought though they were sick
Ferocious the battle,
Those who fought saw only the one they faced
Neither cared to eat
nor remembered where they belonged to
Neither slept nor rested
Some were dragged into it
Some fought for no purpose
Some were born for this moment
Some fought for they knew
they would die if they lose
Some didn't know they were at war
Untill they were sliced all over
Few swinged their swords
So wide and sharp
Everyone around were bleeding
Some were killing with just their stare
Some lie wounded
Some lost the balance though unscathed
And some lie dead!
For sure, no one looked the same as they were before
As time ticked down
Some won with much blood shed
Some won with much brains burnt
Some won coz they were destined to
A few won though they didn't deserve to
Some lost for the same reason too
In the end, those who won,
the true heroes left to live in heavens
And never cared to look back
And those who lost, lay wounded for life
In this divine battle for LOVE…

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